The NEbraskaCERT Conference:
was held in August
at the Peter Kiewit Institute's
Scott Conference Center
Omaha, NE USA

Welcome to the NEbraskaCERT Conference Web site.

The Last NEbraskaCERT Conference

Latest Events and Conference News!

  • 2009-08-26 - Have posted the slide deck from Kevin Riggins's Talk "Building the Perfect Backtrack 4 USB Thumb Drive" For the slides please hit the 2009 presentations page at

  • 2009-08-26 - Have posted the slide decks from Bill Dixon's Talks "When Vulnerability Management Turns into Action" and Understanding the FAIR Risk Assessment" along with Jerry Erret's Talk "Security Operations in a multi-vendor world". For the slides please hit the 2009 presentations page at

  • 2009-08-25 - Have posted the slide deck from Steven Piliero's Wednesday Keynote. Which Steven and the Center for Internet Security have generously allowed us to post. For the slides please hit the 2009 keynote page at

  • 2009-08-22 - Have posted a corrected version of Greg Metzler's Beyond Blackhat presentation to the 2009 conference page. The first version had a couple of issues when it was converted to .pdf. This version converted by Greg is easier to read.

  • 2009-08-21 - The 11th Annual/Final NEbraskaCERT Conference is now over. We will be continuing to post additional presentations from the 2009 conference as they become available.

  • 2009-08-20 - With the NEbrasakaCERT conference over we want to thank the Keynoters, Speakers, Assistants and Attendees that took part in making the conference such a success.

  • The NEbraskaCERT Conference was the premier Information Security Conference in the Midwest. With our 11th Annual Conference in 2009 completed NEbraskaCERT looks forward to continuing to serve the community.

    Our conference was designed for anyone with responsibility for or involvement or interest in information and network security, and has sessions for those new to security as well as for seasoned professionals.

The NEbraskaCERT Conference was brought to you by NEbraskaCERT
*CERT is a servicemark of Carnegie Mellon University. Used with permission.